6. Selecting studies
KCE Webmaster Tue, 11/16/2021 - 16:39Study selection is a multi-stage process. The process by which studies will be selected for inclusion in a review should be described in the review protocol.

6.1. Inclusion and exclusion criteria
KCE Webmaster Tue, 11/16/2021 - 17:41The final inclusion/exclusion decisions should be made after retrieving the full texts of all potentially relevant citations. Reviewers should assess the information contained in these reports to see whether the criteria have been met or not. Many of the citations initially included may be excluded at this stage.
The criteria used to select studies for inclusion in the review must be clearly stated:

6.1.1. Types of participants
KCE Webmaster Tue, 11/16/2021 - 17:41The diseases or conditions of interest should be described here, including any restrictions on diagnoses, age groups and settings. Subgroup analyses should not be listed here.

6.1.2. Type of interventions
KCE Webmaster Tue, 11/16/2021 - 17:41Experimental and control interventions should be defined here, making it clear which comparisons are of interest. Restrictions on dose, frequency, intensity or duration should be stated. Subgroup analyses should not be listed here.

6.1.3. Types of outcome measures
KCE Webmaster Tue, 11/16/2021 - 17:41Note that outcome measures do not always form part of the criteria for including studies in a review. If they do not, then this should be made clear. Outcome measures of interest should be listed in this section whether or not they form part of the inclusion criteria.
For most reviews it will be worthwhile to pilot test the inclusion criteria on a sample of articles (say ten to twelve papers, including ones that are thought to be definitely eligible, definitely not eligible and questionable). The pilot test can be used to refine and clarify the inclusion criteria, train the people who will be applying them and ensure that the criteria can be applied consistently by more than one person.
Even when explicit inclusion criteria have been specified, decisions concerning the inclusion of individual studies remain relatively subjective. There is evidence that using at least two authors has an important effect on reducing the possibility that relevant reports will be discarded (Edwards et al. 2002). Agreement between assessors may be formally assessed mathematically using Cohen's Kappa (a measure of chance-corrected agreement). Many disagreements may be simple oversights, whilst others may be matters of interpretation. These disagreements should be discussed, and where possible resolved by consensus after referring to the protocol. If disagreement is due to lack of information, the authors may have to be contacted for clarification. Any disagreements and their resolution should be recorded.
The influence of uncertainty about study selection may be investigated in a sensitivity analysis.
It is useful to construct a list of excluded studies at this point, detailing the reason for each exclusion. This list may be included in the report of the review as an appendix. The final report of the review should also include a flow chart or a table detailing the studies included and excluded from the review. In appendix a flow chart is provided for documenting study selection. If resources and time allow, the lists of included and excluded studies may be discussed with the expert panel. It may be useful to have a mixture of subject experts and methodological experts assessing inclusion.

6.1.4. Types of studies
KCE Webmaster Tue, 11/16/2021 - 17:41Eligible study designs should be stated here, along with any thresholds for inclusion based on the conduct or quality of the studies. For example, ‘All randomised controlled comparisons’ or ‘All randomised controlled trials with blind assessment of outcome’. Exclusion of particular types of randomised studies (for example, cross-over trials) should be justified.
It is generally for authors to decide which study design(s) to include in their review. Some reviews are more restrictive, and include only randomized trials, while others are less restrictive, and include other study designs as well, particularly when few randomized trials addressing the topic of the review are identified. For example, many of the reviews from the Cochrane Effective Practice and Organization of Care (EPOC) Collaborative Review Group include before-and-after studies and interrupted time series in addition to randomized and quasi-randomized trials.

6.2. Selection process
KCE Webmaster Tue, 11/16/2021 - 17:41Before any papers are acquired for evaluation, sifting of the search output is carried out to eliminate irrelevant material.
- Papers that are clearly not relevant to the key questions are eliminated based on their title.
- Abstracts of remaining papers are then examined and any that are clearly not appropriate study designs, or that fail to meet specific methodological criteria, will be also eliminated at this stage.
- All reports of studies that are identified as potentially eligible must then be assessed in full text to see whether they meet the inclusion criteria for the review.
The reproducibility of this process should be tested in the initial stages of the review, and if reproducibility is shown to be poor more explicit criteria may have to be developed to improve it.
Authors must decide whether more than one author will assess the relevance of each report. Whatever the case, the number of people assessing the relevance of each report should be stated in the Methods section of the review. Some authors may decide that assessments of relevance should be made by people who are blind or masked to the journal from which the article comes, the authors, the institution, and the magnitude and direction of the results by editing copies of the articles (Berlin 1997; Berlin, Miles, and Crigliano 1997). However, this takes much time, and may not be warranted given the resources required and the uncertain benefit in terms of protecting against bias (Berlin 1997).