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Patrice.Chalon Tue, 11/16/2021 - 17:41

Permuted index

The Permuted index is an alphabetical list of all entry terms of a thesaurus. The entry term sends to the retained term (Subject Heading).


PICO is useful for medical questions and for topics where one thing is being compared with another.

Patient :.

This is the “Who”. For this you need to think of age, sex, ethnic origins or other defining characteristics of the patient and the population

Intervention :

This is also sometimes known as exposure, and makes up the “What”. This is what is happening to the patient or population, so it could be a drug or a therapy, a screening questionnaire or a health improvement programme.

Comparison :

With what is the intervention (or indeed population) being compared? This could be a control group.

Outcome :

What outcome do you expect to see? For example, you may be interested in knowing whether an intervention has a health benefit, or whether an exposure results in mortality.

Source : NHS FIFE LIBRARY SERVICES: Guide to Literature Searching. Available from: http://www.nhsfifelibraries.scot.nhs.uk/publications/litsearching.doc


PICO-Timeframe :

This refers to one or more time-related variables such as the length of time the treatment should be prescribed or the point at which the outcome is measured.


Type of study design




IIndex test
RReference test
TTarget disorer


Precision is the proportion of retrieved articles that are of high quality

Source : http://hiru.mcmaster.ca/hiru/HIRU_Hedges_home.aspx