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4.6. Software to analyse qualitative data

Laurence.Kohn Tue, 11/16/2021 - 17:41

Analysis may either be done manually or by using qualitative analysis software, for example Nvivo©[2], Atlas ti©[3], Maxqda©[4], etc.

These Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS) offer a support to the analyst with the storage, coding and systematic retrieval of qualitative data35. They are able to manage different types of qualitative materials, such as transcripts, texts, videos, images, etc. their utility for the analysis depends on the size of the corpus of analysis (number of interviews, plurality of the data sources) and has not to be automatic. They also could be useful for collaborative purposes when several researchers are analysing the same data. They not guarantee the scientific nature of the results62. Indeed, quality of the results does not depend on the tool used, but on the scientific rigor and the systematic analysis of the data.


[2]           http://www.qsrinternational.com/products_nvivo.aspx

[3]           http://www.atlasti.com/index.html

[4]           http://www.maxqda.com/