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1.3. Steps in the process

Joan.Vlayen Tue, 11/16/2021 - 17:41

GRADE includes the following steps:

  • Ask a specific healthcare question to be answered by a recommendation;
  • Identify all important outcomes for this healthcare question;
  • Judge the relative importance of outcomes;
  • Summarize all relevant evidence;
  • Grade the quality of evidence for each outcome and for each comparison;
  • Decide on the overall quality of evidence across outcomes;
  • Include judgments about the underlying values and preferences related to the management options and outcomes;
  • Decide on the balance of desirable and undesirable effects;
  • Decide on the balance of net benefits and cost;
  • Grade the strength of recommendation;
  • Formulate a recommendation;
  • Implement and evaluate.

The steps are visualized in the following flowchart: